
Discount Policy

You will receive a copy of this Discount Policy with the invoice. We suggest you read this policy before making the payment. When you make the payment, whether in full or in part, you acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree with the terms of our Discount Policy.

  • General Discount

Currently, DocEmend does not have a fixed discount policy. We might consider offering a discount based on a high word count, multiple orders together, repeat orders, etc. However, the eligibility for a discount will vary on a case-by-case basis and will be communicated via Email. The final decision in this regard will be made by DocEmend.

  • Additional Discount 1

Over and above any discount(s) that you might avail, we offer a 10% discount on the total order value if you agree to acknowledge DocEmend in your manuscript. This discount is applicable only if you have opted for our editing or writing service and we have worked on the complete manuscript (not parts of it).

Note: This Discount Policy pertains to DocEmend only. DocEmend reserves the right to alter this policy at any time, without any intimation to anyone. The new Discount Policy will be applicable to new orders only. The ongoing orders will be worked upon as per the outdated policy until order completion.