
Payment Policy

You will receive a copy of this Payment Policy with the invoice. We suggest you read this policy before making the payment. When you make the payment, whether in full or in part, you acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree with the terms of our Payment Policy.

1. Order Value

a. Your order value will be based on several factors, such as word count, turnaround time (TAT), content complexity, and discount(s) availed per our Discount Policy.

b. The payment must be made before the delivery of the service. This is non-negotiable. Your order will be confirmed only after we have received the payment

2. Invoice

a. Before order confirmation, you will receive an invoice for the payment warranted for your order.

b. Apart from the payer and receiver information, the invoice will contain details about the manuscript/document, the service warranted, and the fees to be paid.

c. If you submit more than one manuscript/document simultaneously, only one invoice will be generated, which will contain the details about all the manuscripts/documents, the respective services warranted, the respective fees, and the total amount to be paid.

3. Payment Channels

a. Currently, we only accept payments via direct bank transfer (NEFT/RTGS), UPI, and PayPal. These channels not only facilitate quick transfers, but will also help you and us track and archive the transactions.

b. In case of refunds/returns, you will receive the amount back via the same channel you used to make the original payment.

4. Advance Payment

a. The entire payment for an order is to be made in advance. This is non-negotiable. Your order will be confirmed only when we receive full payment for the order.

b. For an order with a value of less than ₹15,000 (or less than US$200), you may pay in parts/installments. But, your order will be confirmed and processed only after the receipt of the last installment.

c. If you wish to submit more than one manuscript/document, we are willing to accept payments for each manuscript/document separately. In this case, only the manuscript(s)/document(s) for which payment has been made will be processed. We will notify you accordingly via Email at each stage.

5. Payment in Installments (Order value > ₹15,000/US$200)

a. For an order with a value of more than ₹15,000 (or more than US$200), you may pay in parts/installments. In such cases, we will confirm and begin processing the order after the receipt of the first installment.

b. The values and due dates of installments will vary on a case-by-case basis. The final decision in this regard will be made by DocEmend.

c. The order will be delivered only after the receipt of the last installment, regardless of whether it is received before or after the order delivery date.

d. If the order is canceled before the receipt of all the installments, the already paid amount will be refunded as per Clause 1 of the Refund Policy.

6. Order Confirmation

a. Our business timings are 0900 hours to 1800 hours IST. The day of the receipt of the requisite payment, if made within business hours, will be considered as Day 1 of the order. However, if the payment is made after business hours, the next day will be considered as Day 1 of the order.

b. For example, suppose you submit a file for proofreading, and we provide you with a turnaround time (TAT) of three days. The day we receive the requisite payment will be considered as Day 1 of the TAT.

7. No Unnecessary Charges

a. During our initial interaction, we might ask you to submit your manuscript to review the quality of the manuscript.

b. No fees will be collected from you at this stage under any circumstances.

8. Rework Files

a. We provide one free rework for all orders that have been rejected due to language issues.

b. However, your manuscript/document will be eligible for a free rework only if it does not contain any additional significant alterations from your side.

c. For example, you intend to avail a free rework for your file. In this case, your file must not contain any significant additions, deletions, paraphrasing, and/or rearrangements.

d. We will verify this on our end and notify you in case of any discrepancy. If any such changes are detected, we will charge a rework fee that you will be notified about via Email.

e. Again, the rework will be commenced only after the receipt of the rework fee, if warranted.

f. If you submit a file for a rework but want any additional service for it, it will not be considered a rework. It will be considered a fresh order and treated as such.

Note: This Payment Policy pertains to DocEmend only. DocEmend reserves the right to alter this policy at any time, without any intimation to anyone. The new Payment Policy will be applicable to new orders only. The ongoing orders will be worked upon as per the outdated policy until order completion.